Perennial Photos

Memories to cherish

Perennial Photos is a family first online photo album to preserve, organise, and share your family stories and memories.

Hi, my name is Dre

I'm making perennial photos to store and link my family history, and to keep it preserved for the next generation in my family tree.

I grew up in a foster family in a lower income town. All through growing up, photos became the real way to communicate and share stories and memories with my family. Many photos became lost or damaged, and many of my family questions have been left unanswered, in a way that I'm still piecing together.As I got older, and married, I found my wife's family used photos and video (on super-8 tapes!) to share their special moments and stories as well, and piecing together their story became a great weekend event that we would watch and laugh over (my wife was very cute as a 3 year old, and even still!)I realised that we have these special memories and stories, in the form of photos and videos, that belong in a special place. they're not something that is ordinary like facebook or instagram, but they need more than putting them in a shoebox in the wardrobe.

That's why I made Perennial Photos. I wanted a place where I can store photos, and store the story with them; link together the photos through people and places. I wanted them to be protected and stored for a long time, but still be able to share them with friends and family, and look back at them later.

Register your interest

Perennial photos exist, but it's not yet ready for the general public. Registering your email below goes a long way in helping me deliver a great service to your and your family memories.You will get quarterly updates and first look at the public version of perennial photos.If you want, you can also contact me at

Register your interest

Or send me a message

Why am I making Perennial Photos?

Here are some of the reasons, from my story, as to why I'm making perennial photos, and why you might be interested in it too.

1. Partnering with professional archivists.

We all have frail photos, faded documents, and gentle things that we want to preserve as part of our family history. Partnering with professional archivists allows us to capture the details onto the computer, so that we can still look and reflect on the photos, without damaging them.

2. It's about telling the story.

Once photos are loaded up, they are organised and scanned for people, places, and dates. This allows us to thread together stories that we can share with other members of the family. We can also write more information about each photo and video to help explain the story, and we can get a view of what context the photos and videos were in.

3. Sharing with friends and family, not corporations.

Your photos are tied to your friends and family, so that's what the focus is on. We want to make sure that there's an easy way you can share stories and memories with others, not just random auto generated photo montages or harvesting your data for advertising concerns.

4. In it for the long run

We want perennial photos to be around for the long run, so we offer yearly, 5-yearly and decade long pricing options, starting at $10 AUD a month.We will also provide comprehensive backup options for you to manage your data, so you can be sure that your data is still around, even if we're not.